Are automated roulette wheels rigged

Are automated roulette wheels rigged

The first question almost everyone asks when you tell them you are involved in the production of automated roulette wheels is whether they are rigged and how. This question probably stems from the widespread suspicion of manipulation of gambling winnings. This is...
Principles of automatic roulette ball ejection

Principles of automatic roulette ball ejection

One of the key characteristics by which we distinguish automated roulette wheels of different manufacturers is the applied principle of ball ejection. Since the appearance of automated roulette, it has been experimented with different ball ejection concepts, including...
Wood and alternative materials of roulette wheels

Wood and alternative materials of roulette wheels

In addition to metal, wood is the first thing that comes to mind when speaking of the materials for roulette wheels, so this article will introduce you to the specifics of its use of and its alternatives. The parts of a roulette wheel the visible surfaces of which are...
Automated Roulette Wheels for Online Streaming

Automated Roulette Wheels for Online Streaming

Even though online gaming is on the rise, players still prefer real, physical roulette wheels. With King Roulettes it was never easier to set up a live streaming. Our automated roulette wheels make fully functional units that can work autonomously, sending details of...
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