Are automated roulette wheels rigged

Are automated roulette wheels rigged

The first question almost everyone asks when you tell them you are involved in the production of automated roulette wheels is whether they are rigged and how. This question probably stems from the widespread suspicion of manipulation of gambling winnings. This is...
Visit us at ICE in Barcelona

Visit us at ICE in Barcelona

  We invite you to visit us at the international casino equipment tradeshow – ICE 2025. You can find us at the same location we occupied in earlier years – Stand No. N4-102.
OUR 20-th ICE

OUR 20-th ICE

  This year we successfully showcased our products at the ICE exhibition in London for the 20th time in a row.
Principles of automatic roulette ball ejection

Principles of automatic roulette ball ejection

One of the key characteristics by which we distinguish automated roulette wheels of different manufacturers is the applied principle of ball ejection. Since the appearance of automated roulette, it has been experimented with different ball ejection concepts, including...